Community staff nurse honoured at Trust OSCARS ceremony
A community staff nurse from the Rushcliffe community nursing team received the Quality Improvement Award at this year’s Nottinghamshire Healthcare’s OSCARS ceremony.

Nominations open for RCN Council elections
Nominations are now open for the next RCN Council, President and Deputy President.

Health equipment survey to help improve local community services
People living across Lancashire are being asked for their feedback to help improve the provision of community equipment services across the region.

Improvements see Swindon patients receiving rehabilitation in the community
Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust's Community Rehabilitation team have made improvements to the way the service works which have helped to reduce the number of patients waiting for routine physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
Nurses supporting vulnerable adults in North Lincolnshire
A new team of nurses are helping to improve vulnerable peoples’ health and quality of life by providing vital drop-in care sessions in the community.

New chief nursing officer for England announced
NHS England has announced that Duncan Burton has been appointed as Chief Nursing Officer for England.

Funding available for nurse-led project in Scotland
The RCN Foundation has announced funding for a nurse-led project in Scotland that seeks to develop equitable access to practice learning experiences for undergraduate learning disability nursing students.

Identifying pressure injuries earlier in dark skin tones
QNI Council Member Dr Neesha Oozageer Gunowa and her colleagues have published vital research which supports the early identification of pressure injuries in people with dark skin tones.

New NHS medtech pathway out for consultation
A proposed new pathway for the appraisal, funding and commissioning of medtech in the NHS is now out for consultation.

Registrations open for Hypo Awareness Week 2024
The eagerly anticipated annual campaign Hypo Awareness Week returns this October, with the aim of raising crucial awareness of hypoglycaemia among healthcare professionals in the UK and Ireland.

Latest NMC data highlights a rise in number of nurses and midwives
There are more nurses, midwives and nursing associates on the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) register than ever before, recent data has shown.

Community nurse honoured at annual trust awards
A community nurse who has gone above and beyond for her patients and colleagues over the last year has been recognised at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.

Permanent RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive appointed
Professor Nicola Ranger has accepted RCN Council’s offer to be the RCN’s next permanent General Secretary and Chief Executive.

RCN Foundation to recruit new Trustee
The RCN Foundation is seeking a skilled and experienced individual to join its Board of Trustees to help provide the strategic vision to support its ambitious plans.

QNI outlines five health and social care priorities
The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has published a list of five priorities that it believes need to be addressed within the health and care system.

Community matron and district nurse honoured at trust’s thank you event
A community matron and a district nurse have been honoured at Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust’s Thank You ceremony.

HEIW to fund new student nursing places at The Open University in Wales
The Open University in Wales has been appointed by Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) to train new student nurses.

Nursing research advice drop-in sessions
The first in a series of free online nursing research surgery drop-in sessions will be run by the Queen’s Nursing Institute this month.

Raising the profile of school nursing in Scotland
The Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland has thrown a spotlight on a report on Scotland’s nursing workforce and the need to raise the profile of school nursing.

NMC acting Chief Executive and Registrar
The Nursing & Midwifery Council has revealed Helen Herniman will become its Acting Chief Executive and Registrar.