NMC launches review of nursing and midwifery practice learning

The Nursing & Midwifery Council is undertaking research to explore how it can best support student learning across the UK.

The NMC is commissioning independent research into nursing and midwifery students’ practice learning requirements.

The aim is to recognise and acknowledge innovation, and ensure that its requirements continue to equip students with the knowledge and skills to deliver the best possible care for people across a diverse range of care settings. This follows changes to its education programme standards in January 2023.

Nursing and midwifery students need to undertake practice learning placements as part of their education. It helps them to develop professional behaviours and gain the experiences they need to deliver safe, kind and effective care when they qualify.

Practice learning accounts for 50 per cent of nursing and midwifery programmes. For nursing it can also include up to 600 hours of simulated practice learning.

The NMC will review practice learning requirements for both nursing and midwifery before deciding if it needs to make any changes.

The independent research will involve:

  • looking at what contributes to effective practice learning across the UK and in other countries

  • exploring how practice learning varies in other countries and the factors behind this

  • working with the NMC’s stakeholders, including the public and people who use services, to understand if there are any further areas within practice learning that the NMC needs to explore.

The review will also be informed by the NMC’s quality assurance activity, including how changes to simulated practice learning are being delivered for nursing programmes.

The NMC is also seeking an independent Chair of an external steering group, consisting of its key partners in UK health and social care. The group will guide its independent research, and review any proposals before it submits them to its Council for consideration.

The closing date for applications is January 30, 2024. To find out more and apply for the role, visit the NMC recruitment page.

Sam Foster, NMC Executive Director for Professional Practice, said: “Today’s students are tomorrow’s professionals at the heart of health and social care. We have a responsibility to make sure they’re equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to improve people’s health and wellbeing, and practice learning is key to this.

“Demand for care is rising, and people’s care needs are constantly evolving. The independent research we’re undertaking will ensure that together with education institutions and practice learning partners, we’re continuing to support and prepare students to be the best nursing and midwifery professionals they can be when they qualify - delivering high-quality, person-centred care across different sectors and settings.

“Input from our partners, including the public, will be invaluable and we look forward to gathering views over the coming months. We’ll keep everyone updated as our work progresses.”

If you’d like to be kept up to date with the NMC’s progress, and be notified of any opportunities to get involved,  click here


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