Leading Strategically: Applications Open

The QNI is pleased to announce that applications for its Leading Strategically leadership programme are now open.

Formerly known as the ‘Executive Nurse Leaders’ programme, the course is for senior nurse leaders working at a strategic level, such as Director, Deputy, Associate or Assistant Director or an equivalent role, in a community or primary care setting including the charity or independent sector.

Leading Strategically is designed to help senior leaders from wide range of practice areas to advance their leadership skills to better manage and deliver community services.

The programme will take place across three, three-day residentials in 2025 and will be delivered through presentations, facilitation, online workshops, lectures, and group work including simulation and visits.

All participants are mentored to assist with their development as a leader. The course will culminate in an awards ceremony.

Dr Cate Wood, Director of Programmes (Leadership and Standards), said: “We offer you space and time to think, develop and be transformed.

“Take your strategic leadership skills to the next level and come on a journey by joining me and new colleagues who will travel with you on the road to excellence.”

A previous programme participant said: “I had no idea what to expect but I believe this has changed me forever.

“I am more confident of my own abilities. I believe in my own expertise. I add value and I feel empowered to stand up for my beliefs, ethics and quality standards.”

Meanwhile, another previous programme participant said: “I love the fact that it is the kind of course that keeps on giving - you come away from the residential and the knowledge you have gained slowly filters in and you keep learning for weeks to come. 

Queen’s Nurses who are accepted on to the programme will be supported by the funding of the QNI’s long-standing charity partners the National Garden Scheme. Non-Queen’s Nurses places will be funded in special cases by NHSE/I.

The deadline to apply is Sunday, November 17. Read the Leading Strategically application guidance. Apply for the Leading Strategically programme.

If you have any questions, please contact the Leadership Programme Team on qnileaders@qni.org.uk.


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