Consultation on QNI Field Specific Standards – Phase Two

The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has published draft Standards for three further specialisms in community nursing.

The three draft Standards apply to education and practice in the following Fields of Practice:

The Standards are available for consultation until November 9, 2023.

The QNI particularly invites the views of those currently commissioning or delivering Specialist Practitioner Qualification (SPQ) programmes, and those considering introducing new programmes.

A QNI spokesman said: “We realise there is a considerable amount of text to review, so please do pay particular attention to whichever field of practice you may be commissioning or planning to develop within the HEI sector.

“For those of you who may be clinicians but not in a commissioning/education role, please do read those standards that relate to your field of practice and complete the survey as appropriate.”

To respond to the consultation, go to:

The QNI has worked with representatives from health and social care organisations from the four countries of the UK to develop the Standards.

These representatives include national organisations, academics, managers, clinicians, front line staff, and service users/patients/experts by experience/carers/families.


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