RCN urges nurses to respond to public inquiries

RCN urges nurses to respond to public inquiries

The Royal College of Nursing is encouraging its members to respond to national Covid public inquiries.

The UK Covid-19 and Scottish Covid-19 public inquiries were established to examine preparedness for, and the response to, the pandemic, with a view to learning lessons for the future.  

RCN Senior Legal Officer Nicole O’Reilly said: “If the inquiries are to understand the impact the pandemic had on health care workers and systems, it must hear from those who were there.

“Please share your experiences – the highs, the lows and the lasting effects, so your experiences can inform the inquiry chairs’ reports and recommendations.”  

In the first instance nursing staff will be asked to complete an online form.

As the inquiry progresses, more ways of engaging with nursing staff will be introduced, including a phone line and a paper form.  

In the RCN’s response to the inquiries, it will share member experiences and amplify the voice of nursing by holding those in power accountable for decisions made which affected nursing and midwifery staff. 

The RCN has a legal team, set up specifically for these inquiries, and this team can see relevant evidence, make opening and closing statements at module hearings, submit questions for witnesses and see draft reports prior to publication. 

RCN members who need advice on submitting additional evidence can complete its online form for advice on whether your contribution falls within the submission the RCN is putting together. 


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