Online conference to shine spotlight on Urgent Community Response Services

An online conference will be held next year to look at the role of Urgent Community Response Services.

The event has been organised Healthcare Conferences UK to examine the pivotal role played by Urgent Community Response Services in reducing hospital admissions and delivering urgent care to patients at home.

It will explore how healthcare professionals have developed effective solutions within Urgent Care Response teams to tackle day one emergency care and reduce A&E admissions and hospital stays.

The conference has been designed to enable attendees to:

  • Network with colleagues who are working in collaboration with Urgent Community Response Services

  • Learn from outstanding practice in collaboration between NHS trusts, ambulance and community services.

  • Reflect on the how Urgent Community Response Services have been instrumental to reducing hospital admissions

  • Improve the way they educate and raise awareness of how to refer to Urgent Community Response Services

  • Develop their skills in working collaboratively with primary and community services

  • Understand how they can improve and coordinate with Urgent Community Response and community services

  • Identify key strategies for maximising the potential for Urgent Community Response Services

  • Self assess and reflect on their own practice.

It also provides five hours of training for CPD, subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes.

The online event will take place on Tuesday, January 30.

For further information and bookings, click here


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