Top award for care services manager

Top award for care services manager

KEMP Hospice Care Services Manager Karen Coles has been given the prestigious title of Queen’s Nurse (QN) by community nursing charity The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI).

The award which is given to just five recipients across the country each year, is in recognition of her outstanding service during her 48-year career in nursing and community care services.

The award is presented to nurses who have given exceptional service to patients through nursing practice in any aspect of primary health care and indicates a commitment to high standards of patient care, learning and leadership.

It was awarded in recognition of the significant contribution Karen has made to community nursing and acknowledges her professionalism in every aspect of her nursing practice.

Karen said: “I feel honoured to have been given this award. I’ve been working in care services for the length of my career and feel passionate about care in the community.

“It’s very humbling, and I feel very proud to have been chosen for such a respected award.” 

Laurey Grennall, Head of Hospice Services at Kemp, The Wyre Forest Hospice, said: “All of us at KEMP are delighted and very happy that Karen has been given the recognition she so rightly deserves for her service to the community.

“Karen always puts the patient first. Through her exceptional qualities in developing nursing students, nursing services and the wider multi-disciplinary team, she always ensures her team goes the extra mile to improve patients’ quality of life and ensures their needs are addressed”

After a 48-year career in nursing and care services, Karen has recently announced her retirement as Care Services Manager at KEMP Hospice.

Laurey added: “Karen will be much missed by all the staff and patients at KEMP.

“We’re all wishing her a very happy retirement and are grateful for her commitment to the charity over the last nine years.”

If you'd like to know more about the role of Care Services Manager or to apply click here.

Closing date for applications is Monday, December 19.


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