Community mental health survey to be launched

The NHS will soon launch a major survey which aims to highlight people’s experiences of using mental health services.  

This survey will look at the experiences of people who use community mental health services.

The 2023 community mental health survey received feedback from 14,770 people who received treatment for a mental health condition between 1 April and 31 May 2023.

For the first time, participants of the 2023 survey were offered the choice of responding online or via a paper-based questionnaire.

In response to feedback from service users, Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) made improvements to patient care plans and invested in a digital system to improve the way service users, carers, friends and family are able to provide feedback on their experience of MPFT services.

Liz Lockett, MPFT’s Chief Nurse and Director of Quality and Professional Leadership said: “The Community Mental Health Survey provides a key opportunity for individuals who use our mental health services to provide valuable feedback on the quality and safety of care they have received.

“Your opinion matters to us, so we would like everyone invited to take part to share their experiences with us.”

Mel Ball, Director for Lived Experience at the Trust, added: “As someone with my own lived experience of accessing mental health services and supporting others to access mental health services, I’d like to acknowledge we are asking you to generously give us your time when we ask you to contribute your perspective via this survey.

“Please know this generosity will be received with sincere gratitude and a commitment to working pro-actively with the feedback we will receive.”

She added: “Alongside other engagement, involvement and co-production workstreams, hearing feedback is a key element of the ongoing development journey we're on to ensure our services meet the needs of all the communities we serve.”

The survey can be completed as a paper questionnaire, or online by using the log in details provided or by scanning the QR code.

The survey is confidential, carried out by the Care Quality Commission and a dedicated Survey Coordination Centre at Picker, on behalf of NHS England.

Your responses are not shared with our staff, so participation will not affect your care or treatment. This survey has also received approval from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.

The results will be published in the spring of 2025 and will be used to assess Community Mental Health Trusts in England.

For more information about the survey, please visit


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